To sum up, moms do not have time to be entertained by showy ads that do not explain what the product or service is.
Online advertising gives advertisers the ability to target consumers in very narrow areas like geographic, behavioral and demographic. That capability would go in vain if the creative did not appeal to the intended audience. recently conducted a study called “American Moms” in which moms were observed to see what kind of online advertising engaged interaction and an eventual purchase.
According to MediaPost, the typical American mom goes online to look at categories like food, education, health and travel.
When a mom did notice an online ad, she preferred that the ad have coupons or discounts included in it. In fact, 67% of respondents wanted a coupon. Trailing, 47% noted that an online ad should provide useful information that could be applied to everyday life. If an online ad had these components, most of the women observed sought out more information on the website, printed a coupon for future use, or even purchased the product.
To sum up, moms do not have time to be entertained by showy ads that do not explain what the product or service is. Concise information and functionality towards the family win out.
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