Thursday, September 27, 2012

What media has the majority of audience prior to shopping?

A new study performed by Arbitron and MBI Touchpoints confirmed that radio is still a valid media in reaching people prior to peak shopping hours.

According to MediaPost, the study, “Where Radio Fits: Radio’s Strengths in the Media Landscape” was conducted from October 2010 – March 2011 and August 2011 – January 2012 and observed the media consumption of adults 18-64.

Findings show that broadcast radio reaches 31% of adults 25-54 about an hour prior to peak shopping. This peak period is from about 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. in the afternoon. This percentage means that radio has the largest reach of the pre-shopping audience among all media platforms.

This does make sense because a lot of people own cars with radios and will drive his or herself to go shopping. Therefore, it is more likely that the last media a consumer views/reads/hears is radio between leaving a car and going in to shop.

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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Young Hispanics' media use differs by gender

We all know that women and men view the world differently, and a new study confirms that even the way that they utilize media can differ.

According to new Experian Simmons data, Hispanic females between the ages of 18-29 are more likely then their male counterparts to post or comment on social media sites. They are also more inclined to click on other people’s posts, at 29%  versus 22% of young Hispanic males and the connections are going both ways – 31% of females in the same age group said that they frequently receive requests to connect in social media platforms, compared to males at 26%.

Young Hispanic males (28% to be exact) would also rather play the newest video game than find a TV show to watch, compared to 9% of young Hispanic females saying the same thing.

This information shows advertisers that there is a better opportunity in reaching a female audience with social media. In turn, advertisers may have to look at in-game advertising to reach the male audience.

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Thursday, September 13, 2012

TV Network does an advanced screening with a green twist

The new fall television season is underway, and that leaves networks with the responsibility of launching the new hit shows of the season. NBC chose to do an advanced screening of the drama “Revolution” in New York City’s Hudson River Park Pier 57. What made it different than a normal screening? It was powered by cyclists.

According to MediaPost, NBC teamed up with the public advocacy group Transportation Alternatives to create this “Powered by the People” promotion in which 80 cyclists generated the necessary power. Guests were invited to try out the specially created bikes.

The alternative power source circles back to the underlying theme of the show in which people must acclimate to a green lifestyle when the world’s electricity goes off.

In order to keep the momentum going, NBC has created a Facebook contest. Users can vote on other cities to host an advanced screening of the show. By going viral, this promotion can help word of mouth of the show.  

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Thursday, September 6, 2012

Majority of social and mobile users prefer ad-supported apps and games

Advertisers have been keeping an eye on social media and mobile habits of consumers in the last few years. Recently, a study conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of MediaBrix breaks down how users choose to view ads on both platforms.

According to the Center for Media Research, the majority of people polled preferred ad units that are immersive and integrated rather than standard. Immersive and integrated means that the ads interact with users with virtual rewards/currency or video ads and typically run during a natural break in the game or app.

Results show that 37% of Facebook app users and 38% of smartphone app users prefer pre-roll video ads prior to the app launching, while 63% of Facebook and 62% of smartphone users wish to initiate the video ad or have it run during a break in the app or game.

Another finding is that users are in favor of ad supported apps and games in order to keep them free. Only 13% of Facebook app users and 39% of smartphone app users wish to pay in order to keep the apps or games advertising free.

Overall, advertisers can pull out the fact that users are open to advertising in the media they consume. However, standard ads are not going to be as well-received as an interactive ad.

Be sure to visit Ruth Burke & Associates’ blog to find the latest in media news and receive helpful tips to make your advertising campaign successful...