Thursday, December 13, 2012

Research helps B2B advertisers with email blast subject lines

As an advertiser, have you debated how to start out a subject line in an email blast? Is it too long, too short, just right? How is one to know? Luckily, if you are in the business to business (B2B) industry, some new research by Adestra can shed a little light on your dilemma.

Reported by the Center for Media Research, Adestra found that subject lines that are either less than 30 characters or more than 90 characters produced the best results. Email blast subject lines that fell between that area were classified as the “dead zone.” Apparently, the shorter subject lines produce premium results for transactional or direct-response type emails. These lines also proved to have higher engagement with readers. The longer lines worked best for emails that were more information-based in that it could better communicate benefits of the advertiser.

Also researched was personalized subject lines and how users relate to them. While they do have an immediate engagement, it can be just as quickly lost if the email content is not personalized.

Overall, advertisers can not expect a cookie cutter email blast to work. Experimenting with subject lines and personalization of content will enable advertisers to know what works best for the target audience.

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