Thursday, July 25, 2013

Television dominates user viewership on subscription video-on-demand services

For those of you out there that subscribe to a video-on-demand (SVOD) service like Hulu Plus, Amazon Prime or Netflix, would you be surprised to find that television content dominated consumer viewing over movies? The company GfK recently did some research to see which consumers prefer.

According to MediaPost, the three services have the following viewership:

·        Amazon Prime: 79% view TV content vs. 21% view movie content

·        Hulu: 96% view TV content vs. 4% view movie content

·        Netflix: 77% view TV content vs. 23% view movie content

Research shows that on average of SVOD services, television had about 81% viewership vs. movies at 19%.

Interesting to note is that a large amount of viewing takes place on an Internet-connected TV device. A device could be a gaming console, Blu-ray player, etc.

The important take away from this for advertisers is the fact that consumers are seeking out TV content on a massive scale whether it’s on broadcast television or a subscription service. Advertisers may not be able to be on some of the SVOD’s yet; however, there are still ways to reach these people through digital initiatives and maintaining a strong broadcast schedule. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

US adults seek out TV for the main news source

As a media buyer and planner, I love reviewing polls and surveys that reflect how consumers are using media. It helps me create a more knowledgeable campaign for my clients. Recently, a new Gallup poll was taken to explain which media is the main source of news for adults in the United States. According to eMarketer, television still ranks number one.

If breaking down responders by age, the following was found:

18-29 year olds
·        50% prefer TV
·        27% prefer internet
·        7% prefer print
·        3% prefer radio
·        6% prefer other
·        7% have no opinion

30-49 year olds
·        50% prefer TV
·        28% prefer internet
·        6% prefer print
·        7% prefer radio
·        6% prefer other
·        2% have no opinion

50-64 year olds
·        58% prefer TV
·        18% prefer internet
·        8% prefer print
·        7% prefer radio
·        5% prefer other
·        3% have no opinion

65+ year olds
·        68% prefer TV
·        6% prefer internet
·        18% prefer print
·        4% prefer radio
·        2% prefer other
·        3% have no opinion

Interesting to note is the fact that the 18-29 and 30-49 age groups responded fairly similarly. Also, the older age group of 65+ had quite a jump in TV as a main news source, and it is the only age group to have print as the second highest ranked media. The other age groups followed up TV with the internet.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

New report shows magazine audience grows from last year

With digital media making a bigger presence in consumers everyday lives, advertisers can benefit in knowing to what degree this is true. MediaPost recently reported on data from GfK MRI that looked into American readership of magazines across the print and digital formats.

Overall, the data showed that print readership has increased since last year. If looking at the print magazine by itself, it increased from 1.19 billion in early 2012 to 1.21 billion in spring 2013. This is about a 2.36% increase in readership.

The digital platform is still new and growing, so its readership is less than print’s. As of this year, it’s approximately 1.4% of the total readership. In fact, the digital audience was 9.2 million in early 2012 and grew to 16.9 million a year later.

In combination of print and digital platforms (not including users on the magazine website), the magazine audience increased by 2.98% from last year.

The data shows that approximately 62% of the magazines measured audience increases from the year prior. Some of the titles include Diabetes Forecast, Psychology Today, Yoga Journal, Costal Living, and Food Network Magazine.  The publications FamilyFun and PC World were down in readership.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Teens pessimistic on future economic standing

The cable network MTV recently produced a study entitled “The New Millennials Will Keep Calm and Carry On,” which breaks down the millennial generation and the perceptions of the economy.

MediaPost reports that the study broke down the millennial generation in two parts, one being the younger skewing between the ages of 14-17, and the other being the older skewing twenty somethings. Interestingly enough, it is the younger millennials who have a more pessimistic view of the economy. About 60% of 14-17 year-old respondents think his/her generation will be worse off than his/her parents. The majority worry the current economy will negatively affect his/her potential futures.

Older millennials collectively responded in a more positive view of the economy. Reports show that this group believes that a successful future is possible and almost guaranteed with the help of college, working hard and playing by the rules.

While there was no distinguished reason why this group has split feelings of the economy, it may be due slightly to the fact that younger millennials may still be at home with the parents. Being at home and hearing the economic struggles from the parents’ perspective, may be a reason for the negative views of 14-17 year olds.