major benefit to outdoor bulletins transitioning from vinyls to digital is the
immediacy in which creative can be changed. MediaPost reported on a British
Airways digital outdoor campaign that reacts to planes flying above the
outdoor company, Clear Channel, has a new “Storm” digital network in London. It
launched in October and has been positioned along the busiest streets and
highways in London.
Airways’ campaign utilized the boards so that when a plane flies overhead,
creative of a child pointing at the plane is displayed along with a detailed
message with the flight number and destination. MediaPost gives the
illustration of “Look, it’s flight BA430 Amsterdam.” Following this message are
other creative displays that list facts or attractions of that certain
destination. This campaign is possible by using surveillance technology and
flight schedules to anticipate when a flight is above the outdoor board.
able to reach consumers in real-time can be a challenge for advertisers. By
utilizing new technology and thinking outside-the-box, surprise your audience
and give them something to talk about.