Thursday, May 29, 2014

Local search among smartphone users

Consumers, continually on the move, are typically using search engines to gather local information. In fact, a recent poll by Google shows that four in five of those seeking information use a search engine on a smartphone, computer or tablet.

Research demonstrates that the majority of users of smartphones typically seek out business hours, directions to a local store, local store address, and availability of a product. Although these smartphone users were more likely to search for local information at home as opposed to on-the-go, the difference in numbers was only slight. Fifty-three percent of those in the study searched while at home, and the other 47% were out and about.

In terms of actually following through from the search stage to a final sale, eMarketer reports that 18% of local searches via a smartphone led to a purchase, while only 7% of nonlocal searches led to a purchase.

When determining the effect these results will have on advertisers, the research company BIA/Kelsey estimates that US local media advertisement spending will be raised by 8.4% in 2014, from $50.2 billion in 2013 to $54.4 billion in 2014.

Monday, May 19, 2014

The demographic breakdown of Instagram users

Marketers are forever trying to get a handle on user demographics for social media. Whether it’s Facebook, snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, MySpace, etc., advertisers want to know where its target audience spends free time. According to eMarketer, Instagram’s main audience is millennials and Gen Xers.

Research shows that Instagram had about 35 million people access the website once a month in the US alone in 2013. It’s projected that 2014 will see about 40.5 million people per month access the site. Approximately 25% of all smartphone users, on a monthly basis, will participate on Instagram.

As far as age ranges go, approximately 67% of US Instagram users will be between the ages of 18 – 44 in 2014. Last year, that number was slightly higher at 69%.

Experts do mention that a demographic shift is developing in regards to gender. As the site began to gain in popularity, a majority of users were female. In fact, estimates for 2012 users were that two-thirds of users were women. While still the majority, it is estimated that by 2016 males will have 45% membership with females at 55%.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

TV platform where more ads are seen

If given the opportunity to watch television on Video-On-Demand, on a DVR, or live, on which method would you tend to watch more TV commercials? If you ask Nielsen, you will find that Video-On-Demand viewers tend to watch more commercials.

MediaPost reports that TV viewers who watch a 30 minute program actually see different amounts depending on the TV platform used.
·        Video-On-Demand: An average of 28 minutes of programming and commercials are viewed by the audience.
·        DVR: An average of 23 minutes is viewed.
·        Live TV: Only about 20 minutes of the program and commercials are viewed.

These averages are not surprising if you apply it to your own TV usage habits. If you watch live television, is it possible that you get up during commercial breaks to do something else? If you have a DVR, is it possible that you fast forward through the commercials or parts of the program you are not interested in watching? Or, do you ever rewind the DVR footage to watch a commercial that caught your attention? If you use Video-On-Demand, you may notice that the fast forward function is not enabled and commercials will run. However, the commercial break may not be as long as live TV.

At any rate, while there are multiple methods in which to watch TV, it still can be said that an audience can be exposed to commercials.