Thursday, November 5, 2009

Partner Spotlight: Linda Norfleet

Question: Has the ability to view television programs on-line, record them via DVR or watch via mobile video affected overall television viewership?

Answer: According to the data from the Nielsen Company, Americans are increasing their overalll media consumption, and media multi-tasking is part of the equation. During 2nd Quarter 2009, the number of people watching mobile video increased 70 percent from last year adn people who watch video online increased their viewing by 46 percent compared to a year ago. Average TV consumption remains at an all-time high compared to the sane time frame last year. As of 2009 the 290 million people in the United States with TVs, spend an average 141 hours, 3 minutes each month viewing televisions. Nielsen data also shows Americans are using DVRs more than ever, watching one hour more of time shifted TV each month than a year ago.

As of June 2009, 57 percent of consumers with Internet access at home watch TV and go online simultaneously at least once a month. On average these consumers spend 2 hours, 39 minutes each month using the Internet while also watching TV. Their online experience at home is in front of the television almost a third of the time.

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