Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Unimaginable Becomes Imaginable: Creative Doors That are Waiting to be Opened

We’ve all heard people talk about the future holding the unimaginable. It’s always interesting to me to think about what could happen in the future and then see what actually comes about. Somehow, my mind is still always blown. So far this year, the trend has continued. Technology has gone to new levels, invented new products, and taken consumers to a whole new world, (almost) literally. With these new technologies come many new opportunities for advertisers.

Jayson DeMers discloses seven marketing trends he expects to dominate in 2016, and sure enough, many of these expectant trends, are new entities in themselves.

First, Google will finally jump on board with in-SERP (search engine results page) video advertising. So this one isn’t new, but it’s new to Google. And it’s a new incident that Google isn’t leading the market in new opportunities, instead they’re following competitors Facebook and Bing who already have in-page video ads.

It is likely that mobile-optimized sites will no longer be good enough. Instead apps will take over as a more convenient, intuitive, and accessible alternative.

Digital assistants will surely open doors for advertisers. Never heard of a digital assistant? Well sure you have, just maybe not with that term; think Siri, Cortana, Amazon’s Alexa, or OK Google. These assistants use search engines when necessary which prompts the task for advertisers to become readily accessible so that the next time an iPhone user asks Siri, “show me the best pizza in my area” your mom and pop’s pizzeria will be the first on the list.

Proceeding on to the world of virtual reality: The Oculus Rift is a VR gaming device whereas other VR devices are used for general use. Surely advertisers can find their place through connections to social media channels, gaming, videos, and possibly even direct messaging.

Lastly, wearable technology is on the rise. The Apple Watch is the first of these devices but most definitely not the last. Again, new devices create new possibilities.

With all of these unimaginable technologies becoming imaginable and reality, advertisers can enter into a brand new world. Benefits include reaching people from the get-go. For example, many younger Internet users don’t see the intrusion of ads because that’s what they’ve always known while the older generations can recall a time where there were no ads. If advertisers are able to insert themselves into these opportunities from the start, users will know the product as is instead of remembering the “good ole days” of an ad free experience. However, with the rise in demand, it is likely the price for digital advertising will follow suit. 

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