Thursday, November 8, 2012

Do people multi-task when listening to internet radio?

If someone logs into an internet radio station, will he/she multi-task while listening? Or will his/her attention solely be on radio? Parks Associates on behalf of TargetSpot recently conducted a study to see how internet radio listeners spend his/her time when he/she is tuned in.

According to MediaPost, the vast majority of listeners are multi-tasking. Of those listening, he/she tends to do the following at the same time:
§       57% make a purchase online
§       56% research products/services for future purchases
§       60% are on social media networks

An interesting aspect of the results shows listeners views on advertising:
§       59% like to get coupons and offers from advertisers
§       55% don’t mind listening to ads in order to keep the station free

What can advertisers take from this? If moving forward with an online radio station, make sure the product/service website is prevalent. That way, it can help encourage listeners to research and possibly make a purchase. Also, it may be helpful to include a promotional offer vs. a straight branding initiative. 

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