Thursday, August 23, 2012

2012 shows 133 magazine launches thus far

Being in the media industry, it is common knowledge that vendors come and go whether it be print, online, radio, outdoor, TV, etc. Advertisers are obligated to know what is available for clients at all times.

The online database for U.S. and Canadian print publications recently released the number of magazines launched and closed during the first half of 2012.

MediaPost reports that 133 magazines were launched between January and June of 2012. Findings show that a good number of new titles fell into the “food” and “regional interest” categories. For example, Louisiana Kitchen launched.

Another 48 titles were shut down. According to the reports, the number shut down is on a decline. Between January and June of 2011, 74 magazines closed.

Be sure to visit Ruth Burke & Associates’ blog to find the latest in media news and receive helpful tips to make your advertising campaign successful...

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