Friday, July 18, 2014

Core radio listeners and digital media

Digital media has changed the landscape for advertisers over the last few years. While some media feared that digital meant the death of traditional forms, it really has not been substantiated. With the case of terrestrial radio, it’s allowed the medium to reach the core audience in more ways.

The Center for Media Research recently summarized the findings of a Jacobs Media study about core radio listeners. Some of the facts to note were:

The digital breakdown of a core radio listener
·        75% of those surveyed own a smartphone
·        51% have a tablet
·        55% stream audio at least once a week
·        67% watch online video content during the week
·        95% listen to traditional, broadcast radio per day
·        17% of broadcast radio listening occurs on digital platforms like computer or mobile streams, etc.

Another fact reported was that 30% of respondents favored radio stations that interacted with them. In fact, they would listen more. Interaction may include sharing online content through social media, the station’s website, email blasts, etc.

In addition, broadcast radio still holds the majority at 51% as the go-to source for new music. The report suggests that listeners feel that radio stations can be trusted.

The takeaway is that core radio listenership may dip at some point, but if the radio station can broaden its reach with the incorporation of digital media, the audience will continue to be loyal.

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